

21 May 2023

Azure AD Access Packages to the rescue!

by Rik Groenewoud

The challenge

For one of our customers we had the task to enroll end users into multiple Azure AD Groups in one go. We already had setup SSO via Azure AD and via the “App Roles” feature in Azure AD App Registration, these AD groups connected to roles in the customer’s application. Since we are talking about several hundreds of accounts and around 60+ different AD Groups we aimed to automate this process as much as possible. We initially tried to do this by writing a custom Powershell script. But because of the complex requirements and a lot of unique combinations of AD groups, this attempt turned into a mess quite fast.

Luckily my good colleague Hans Bakker came with the bright idea to use an Azure native solution for this use case: Access Packages.

What are Azure AD Access Packages?

It is not easy to describe this pretty comprehensive feature in a few words. To my mind, access packages can be used to centralize multiple resources into one entity in which Azure AD users can be enrolled. These users can be added by administrators but self-enrollment via a portal is possible as well. This process can be enriched with approval steps. The enrollments can have a set lifetime or can last indefinitely. It is a service created to manage and govern identities, internal and external in a centralized way. Furthermore, enrollment using the Graph API is possible. This makes it possible to automate the enrollment of users into these access packages. This is exactly what we needed!

How did we leverage Access Packages?

To use access packages an Azure AD Premium P1 or P2 license is required. You can find more information about the different Azure AD Premium licenses here. We decided to setup the actual packages themselves using the Azure Portal. Although the amount of groups grew overtime, it was no recurring task worth automating. See this documentation on how to do this. Each access package contains several AD Groups. When a user is enrolled into the access package the user is automatically added to all the groups.

We did automate the enrollment of users into these access packages. This was done by using the Azure AD Graph API and Powershell. We created CSV files with user details per action group and the below powershell script to enroll them into the groups. By leveraging an Azure pipeline the script gets executed. Using parameters we can easily run the script for as many CSV files as we want.

I know I am not the cleanest Powershell coder but I hope you can get the idea. It imports the CSV fileAND authenticates to the Graph API. Then I pull all existing access package assignments and compare them with the CSV. Then it loops through the new users and checks if the user already exists in Azure AD. If not, it will invite the user and wait for the user to become visible in Azure AD. After that it will enroll the user into the access package.


$users = Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path $path

# Populate with the App Registration details and Tenant ID
$appid = '[APP ID]'
$tenantid = '[TENANT ID]'
$secret = $secret
$body = @{
    Grant_Type    = "client_credentials"
    Scope         = ""
    Client_Id     = $appid
    Client_Secret = $secret

$connection = Invoke-RestMethod `
    -Uri$tenantid/oauth2/v2.0/token `
    -Method POST `
    -Body $body

$token = $connection.access_token

Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $token

Select-MgProfile -Name "beta"

#Get all assignments of access package mentioned in CSV file.
$accesspackage = Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage -DisplayNameEq $users[0].AccessPackage -ExpandProperty "accessPackageAssignmentPolicies"
$assignments = Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignment -AccessPackageId $accesspackage.Id -ExpandProperty target -All -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.AssignmentState -eq 'Delivered' }

$newUsers = Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $assignments.Target.Email -ReferenceObject $users.Email | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' }
$oldUsers = Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $assignments.Target.Email -ReferenceObject $users.Email | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' }

foreach ($user in $newUsers) {
    $AADuser = Get-MgUser -Search "Mail:$($user.InputObject.Trim())" -ConsistencyLevel eventual

    if ($null -eq $AADuser) {
        #Invite user if not yet exists
        New-MgInvitation -InvitedUserEmailAddress "$($user.InputObject.Trim())" -InviteRedirectUrl "[URL]" -SendInvitationMessage:$true
        #Wait for user to become visible
        $counter = 0
        do {
            $AADuser = Get-MgUser -Search "Mail:$($user.InputObject.Trim())" -ConsistencyLevel eventual
            Write-Host "Try to find user $($user.InputObject.Trim()) attempt $($counter = $counter + 1) $counter"
        while ($null -eq $AADuser)
        $accessPackage = Get-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackage -DisplayNameEq $users[0].AccessPackage -ExpandProperty "accessPackageAssignmentPolicies"
        $policy = $accessPackage.AccessPackageAssignmentPolicies[0]
        New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentRequest -AccessPackageId $accessPackage.Id -AssignmentPolicyId $policy.Id -TargetId $AADuser.Id
        Write-Host "NEW User $($user.InputObject) is added to Access Package"
    else {
            $policy = $accessPackage.AccessPackageAssignmentPolicies[0]
            New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentRequest -AccessPackageId $accessPackage.Id -AssignmentPolicyId $policy.Id -TargetId $AADuser.Id
            Write-Host "User $($user.InputObject) is added to Access Package"

To remove users from the access packages, I came up with an addition to the script shown below. Out of the comparison, remove the users that are in the access package but no longer exist in the CSV file.

if ($null -ne $oldUsers) {
    foreach ($user in $oldUsers) {
        #Get AssignmentId for user that has to be removed
        $assignmentId = $assignments | Where-Object { $_.Target.Email -eq $user.InputObject } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
        New-MgEntitlementManagementAccessPackageAssignmentRequest -AccessPackageAssignmentId $assignmentId -RequestType "AdminRemove"
        Write-Host "Removed $($user.InputObject)"

else {
    Write-Host 'No users removed'

The pipeline, which excutes the script looks like this:

pool: "ubuntu-latest"

  - name: paths
    type: object
      - users.csv
      - users2.csv
      - etc

    displayName: 'Pick the team CSV file you want to update'

  - group: variableGroup

  - stage: RunOnboardingScript
    displayName: Run script to add Users to Access Package
      - job: RunPSScript
         - $:
            - task: AzurePowerShell@5
              displayName: 'Validate CSV delimiter and headers for $'
                azureSubscription: 'SubscriptionName'
                ScriptType: 'FilePath'
                ScriptPath: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Scripts/validateCSV.ps1'
                  -path '$'
                azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
                pwsh: true

            - task: AzurePowerShell@5
              displayName: 'Run script for: $'
                azureSubscription: 'SubscriptionName'
                ScriptType: 'FilePath'
                ScriptPath: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Scripts/AddUsersToAccessPackage.ps1'
                  -path '$' `
                  -secret '$(userOnboardingSecret)'
                azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
                pwsh: true

In the parameters section you can see that we set the CSV files. Then for each file we run the tasks. We have one task that validates the CSV file and one task that runs the script. The script task has two parameters, the path to the CSV file and the secret. The secret is a variable that is stored in the Azure DevOps variable group. This variable group is linked to the pipeline. The secret is the client secret of the Azure AD app registration that we created earlier. This secret is used to authenticate to the Microsoft Graph API.


We are happy with the results of this project. It provides for a flexible and scalable solution that is easy to maintain. We can easily add new access packages and add users to them. Further, we can easily remove users from access packages.

I hope this blog post will help you to get started with Access Packages, the Microsoft Graph API and the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know in the comments below.

If you want to learn more about access packages, I also wrote an article in the latest edition of the XPRT Magazine on this topic (from page 50).

tags: microsoft - azure - azuread - aad - identitymanagement